Emergency Planning Ideas for Children!
3/6/2020 (Permalink)
It's Saturday morning and your day off. Last night you laid in bed thinking about all the projects you need to tackle this weekend. The next 48 hours you must squeeze in the mundane task of the grocery store, laundry and preparing for next week. At the same time, you are thinking about your house and the safety your children. As a parent you want to enrich your children with the knowledge of how the world works and ponder ideas. Does this sound like you?
Well we know this feeling all too well here at SERVPRO of Southeast Portland. As a woman owned company and a large woman work force, we decided to compile some ways to destress and address! Here are some fun interactive activities you can do with your children.
- Make a map of your house, and have fun with this!
-Document all exit points (windows, doors, crawlspaces) and make a location to meet in case of an emergency.
-Make sure and add your house address, go outside and show them where to locate the address and closest cross street.
- Real life practicing! Have your child practice dialing your phone number from a land line and a cell phone. Yes, sounds basic however most children do not know their parents' phone number.
- With teenage children create a “Course of Action Emergency List.” Have your teenagers research all the emergency numbers they think are needed in an emergency, without your help.
Call 911
Call your insurance agent and file a claim.
In a water or fire emergency, we are the next to come out and secure your home. Make sure they know who we are and our phone number.
Numbers of family or friends to stay with until they are to be safe with you.
- Create a sign for your front window to let emergency response teams know there are animals or elderly in the home.
- Call Us to come out and do an “Emergency Readiness Program” free of charge. We will show you how to turn off your water, gas and electricity correctly, and provide you with an app for your phone to monitor major catastrophes in your area.
We encourage you to role play an emergency fire or flood situation annually and update your phone list monthly. Oh, the relief you will have, from knowing you and your children have created an emergency plan. REST easy our fellow parents, you Have an Emergency Action Plan!